Party: Toys For Tots

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Toys For Tots

Club: Brookside Golf Club

Upcoming: 7
Date: 13.12.2013 08:00
Address: 1133 Rosemont Ave, Pasadena, United States | show on the map »

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Party: Toys For Tots

Join Us for Brookside Golf Club’s 1st Annual Toys for Tots Golf Tournament!!!
Friday, December 13, 2013
• 8:00am Registration, Breakfast,
Putting Contest and Practice Range Balls
• 10:00am Shotgun Start
• 3:00pm Awards, Raffles & Hol...iday
Cocktail Reception
$75.00 Per Player with an Unwrapped Toy
$85.00 Per Player without an Unwrapped Toy

Sponsorship Opportunities
Gold Sponsor: $800.00 – includes a foursome in the tournament, a hole tee sign, logo in event program and acknowledge at the awards cocktail reception
Silver Sponsor: $500.00 – includes a twosome in the tournament, a hole tee sign, logo in event program and acknowledge at the awards cocktail reception
Bronze Sponsor: $300.00 – includes a hole tee sign, logo in event program and acknowledge at the awards cocktail reception

*You can also ensure your logo placed in the event program and/or on a hole tee sign with donations of raffle items, food and beverages, services and unwrapped toys.
The Marine Toys for Tots Foundation is a 501C3 nonprofit organization. All sponsorships and donations are tax deductible. Federal tax ID# 20-3021444.

Call or Email Kimberly & Lauren at Brookside Golf Club to
sign up your foursome or become a sponsor today!
626.577.4497 ext. 203
