Party: The Simpsons BOGOFF

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Party: The Simpsons BOGOFF

Two of the world's most famous brands join forces next Wednesday (November 2nd) as we bring you The Simpsons BOGOFF.

What can you expect on the night?
- The Simpsons Episodes on the screens throughout the club
- Free Pizza, it is Homer's favourite food after all
- Duff Beer Giveaway
- Simpsons DVD Giveaways
- Buy One Get One For FREE drinks
- Get your photo with some members of everyone's favourite family
- Lots more to be announced

Doors open from 11pm so you have plenty of time for a few cold ones in Moes beforehand while listening to your favourite songs from The Be Sharps.

Want to try win VIP Treatment for you & your neighborinos? Simply click attend, Tag 3 friends & comment ‘Why did I have the bowl Bart? Why did I have the bowl?'
