Party: Learn Irish Dancing
Main page > Céilí by the Lee > Learn Irish Dancing
Upcoming: 6
Date: 26.02.2018 19:30
Address: Marlboro St, Cork, Ireland | show on the map »
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Céilí is a style of traditional Irish dancing, easy to pick up and fun to try. Join us at Céilí by the Lee on Mondays at 19:30 in Crane Lane, and try for yourself! We warm up each week with the basic steps, so no experience is needed! Then we move on to group dances, before eventually parting ways, satisfied and exhausted.
This is great for :
Meeting new people in Cork
Experiencing Irish culture
Doing some light exercise
Practicing your ability to understand thick irish accents!
Our venue is the Crane Lane theatre, Cork's finest, a one stop shop for whatever you're looking for. As long as you're looking for food, drink, dancing or music anyway!
This is an 18+ event
Admission: €5