Party: Brass Party Night w) Cocek! Brass Band and the ALC Funktet

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Party: Brass Party Night w) Cocek! Brass Band and the ALC Funktet

The debut of "Brass Party Night" at Church will be one for the ages. A night of horn heavy dance music ranging from Funk to Balkan style brass.

Cocek! Brass Band is a 5-piece group that rocks the house on a very regular basis. The band's members blend dance music with stellar improvisation and melodies that evoke crazy dancing, contemplative thoughts and good times.

Alex Lee-Clark is quickly gaining a reputation as one of the most dynamic bandleaders and musicians in town, as co-leader of the Brian Thomas/Alex Lee-Clark Big Band. The ALC Funktet features a rotating cast of Boston's most killin' musicians, pumping out fresh, feel good funk music.

Invited: Stephan Magro, An Pham, Joel Edinberg, McGee Knox, Jillian Tuck, Erica Cahill Yoga, David Rosen, Dave Roth, Anna Miller, Kalman Gacs, Angela DiBartolomeo, Kate Peruzzini, Amy Lithimane, Maria Molteni, Dory Dinoto, Damien Paul, Kate Griwert, Hannah Kugler, Carlin Lewinson, Justin Emile Shapiro, Andrew DelCid show more »
