Party: HARDROCK SOFA Special Guests at HOLLYWOOD MILAN 24.01.2015

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Party: HARDROCK SOFA Special Guests at HOLLYWOOD MILAN 24.01.2015

HARDROCK SOFA Special Guests


** DEJA VU **

The best SATURDAY Night in Milan is ready to start the new year with the first Special Guest of 2015!

We are glad to invite you at Hollywood Rythmoteque for this special party

Start Time 23.00

Booking Tables:
Mobile: +393284378169
email: [email protected]

Invited: Carlo Ziller, Eliot Parker, Roberto Bolzoni, Francesco Sclafani, Alessandro Bonetto, Matteo Merando, Marco Pingitore, Federico Somenzi, Giuseppe Lisco, Francesco Puglisi, Alessio Franchini, Giorgia Mattivi, Lorenzo Adriano Casale, Francesco Bolumetti, Antonio Baio, Jozsef Fischer, Carlo Capiluppi, Vilandas Karosas, Isabel Lazzari, Saverio Prota, Andrea Salzotto show more »