Party: RockFusion
Main page > Redcliffe Leagues Club > RockFusion
Upcoming: 0
Date: 15.07.2016 19:00
Address: Cnr Klingner & Ashmole Roads, Redcliffe, Australia | show on the map »
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3 Bands. 1 Big Night.
ft. Cool Coda / Super Active Rock / Jukebox Heroes
w/ DJ Luke from 7pm
7pm-2am Friday, 15th April 2016
Free Entry for all member's & guests, 18+ event
7pm - 8pm DJ Luke
8pm - 9pm COOL CODA
9pm - 9.30pm DJ Luke
9.30pm - 10.30pm SUPER ACTIVE ROCK
10.30pm - 11pm DJ Luke
11pm - 12midnight JUKEBOX HEROES
12midnight - 2am DJ Luke