Party: KELLARI: Dvnd & Eric Filipus

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Party: KELLARI: Dvnd & Eric Filipus

We welcome two up & coming talents to host their own basement jam night. Kellari gets you down to disco fueled deep house and techno. These guys, DVND and Eric Filipus, are ones to watch. Come and feel the shivers go down your Skin & Bones.

✾ Friday 30th January 2015

✾ DVND & Eric Filipus

✾ Entry 3e cloakroom before 00:00 / 5e incl. cloakroom after 00:00

d a n c e
i n y o u r
s k i n &
b o n e s

Invited: Kat Garí, Jonathan Sjöberg, Kasper Kauppila, Risto Kujanpää, Salla Saarteinen, Jymy Parhiala, Roni Selovuo, Aarne Laurila, Tessa Mannonen, Anna Elfving, Stina Öfverström, Oliver Mikael Sandberg, Niina Luotola, Veronica Risku, Jenni Heikkilä, Matias Talvinko, Ronja Strid, Olli Manninen, Maiju Holopainen, Sandra Lindqvist, Daiva Juozapaityte show more »
