Party: The Lunatics - Jovanka Steele

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The Lunatics - Jovanka Steele

Club: Café Charlatan

Upcoming: 27
Date: 11.11.2014 20:00
Address: Vlasmarkt 6, Gent, Belgium | show on the map »

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Party: The Lunatics - Jovanka Steele

Invited: Stefanie De Pauw, Vicky Barbier, Filip Van Yperzele, Nick Verhaeghe, Sophie Aspeslagh, Alexander Buijsrogge, Maarten Wemel, Ellen Wirix, Toon Schouteden, Hanne Raets, Nick Bockstaele, Valerie Rysman, Sarah De Schepper, Marlies Van den Bergh, Jasmien De Graeve, Fee Willems, Camille Polfliet, Peter Tack, Matthias De Ridder, Mart Peers, Nele Sercu show more »
