Party: BLACK - Hip Hop and RnB to the fullest ★ Dj Wizzl ★ FR 17.04.

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Party: BLACK - Hip Hop and RnB to the fullest ★ Dj Wizzl ★ FR 17.04.

Unser monatliches BLACK Spektakel geht in die nächste Runde!
An den Decks: Dj Wizzl
Hip Hop und R’n’B to the fullest, von Rihanna über Tyga zu Jay-Z.

Clap that ass, ass, ass & make it nasty!

Eintritt 7 EUR - Studenten 4 EUR
Start 23:00 Uhr

Invited: Basti Reyes, Nino Monaco, Maria Malinina, Maura Espino, Sabrina Goller, Bekki Wagner, Susanne Zwick, Ryan Prescod, Anna Warter, Luca Linoci, Leonie Schmuck, Yannick Berger, Verena Frenie Gl, Anna Gro, Daniel Nowak, Julie No, Mili Bighouse, Emir Arifovic, Andy Gauglitz, Lena Sa, Simone Klein show more »
