Party: Be My VOCA Valentine
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Hello friends! Join VOCA on Valentines Day for a TV marathon of Valentines Day episodes from our favourite TV Comedies! Snacks and drinks will be provided! Feel free to stay for the whole event or pop in whenever you're fave TV show is playing! Here is the tentative list of the shows we will be playing:
1. 6:45- 7:00pm Spongebob, Episode 132 Valentines Day
2. How I Met Your Mother - Season 6, Episode 16 Desperation Day
3. Brooklyn Nine Nine - Season 1, Episode 16 The Party
4. The Mindy Project - Season 1, Episode 14 Harry & Mindy
5. The Office - Season 5, Episode 16 The Blood Drive
8:20pm - 8:45pm
6. Friends - Season 1, Episode 14 The One With the Candy Heart
7. Fresh Prince of Bel Air - Season 4, Episode 18 Stop Will! In the Name of Love
9:05pm - 9:25pm
8. Orange is the New Black - Season 2, Episode 6 You Also Have A Pizza
9:25pm - 10pm